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Strive in Marriage

Marriage is a relationship between two people that grows with time. It is important for both individuals to make equal efforts to retain the relationship. Ups and downs are the part and parcel of a relationship. It is not possible to avoid the hurdles that come through a relationship. Here the only way out is to face them strongly with your partner. Besides, there are some other ways how you can retain your married life that is explained below:

Build an understanding: Understanding is the key to a successful marriage. If you do not understand your partner well, you will not be able to trust them. Without trust, building a strong relationship is difficult. Understanding is basically a lifetime learning process. It includes doing things like taking trips together, taking a class, tackling a project, trying new restaurants, etc. People change with time, so do their preferences and likes. For example, the favourite food of your spouse three years back won’t be the same as the present one.

Listening to Each Other: The process of listening to each other’s thoughts has positive results. Sometimes, you may feel down due to work pressure or other problems. In such situations, it is advisable to speak up and express to your partner what’s bothering you. Listening to your spouse is also helps in improving relationships. It’s not necessary that a possible solution will come up at that point in time, but merely by listening to each other you can overcome the obstacles that are on your way.

Communication: Communication is the key in any relationship. Sometimes words are not enough to express your love. Then you can try expressing your love by doing something that your spouse likes. There is a proverb that actions speak louder than words. Try to use this proverb in your married life. For example, you may cook your spouse’s favourite food, or iron the clothes before he or she does, do the dishes, etc. This way you can express how much you love them just by communicating physically.

Compliment: Complimenting each other for the things that have changed and become better throughout the years is very important. You should try to acknowledge the positive attributes of your partner every day and avoid the negative stuff. This makes your relationship stronger and tighter.

Additionally, it is important to remember that just like we exercise for maintaining physical health, also, we should do common activities together. It will help us develop a stronger bond in the marriage.

Marriage Counselling: If you are unable to fix your problems in your married life through the above ways, you can consider getting in touch with a marriage counselor. They can help you by suggesting ways to thrive in your married life. Small fights are a part of married life but don’t let those small fights create a bigger problem in your relationship. No one wants to lose the stronger bond they had over some trifle issues or misunderstandings. Try to reach out for help before it gets too late.

Marriages can be made in heaven, but it is you who needs to work on it to make it a success here on earth. Whether it’s couple counselling post-marriage or pre-marriage counselling, seek our help whenever you need it.