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Toxic Parental Behaviours That can Impact your Child

Your child may face a number of problems on a daily, including mental issues, behaviours and substance addiction, etc.

The most effective way to treat such issues is to connect with an addiction  treatment  counselor.

But your relationship with your kid can also affect their lifestyle, and in turn their addictive behaviours.

This article shares some forms of parental behaviours that can turn out to be toxic. Read on to understand what they are.

8 Toxic Behaviours of Parents

The relationship with parents is one of the most important relationships in a child’s life. It sets the foundation for how they progress in their life.

Thus, as a parent, it is necessary to be aware of the way you treat your kid. Let us take a look at the few toxic behaviours that can hinder the quality of your relationship with your son or daughter.

1. Constantly Critical

Some parents constantly chide their children even over menial things. They expect their kid to deliver great results with everything they do. In return, some parents do not even applaud or appreciate their efforts.

Such high expectations can affect the child’s confidence and self-esteem which can also impact their adult life.

They start doubting themselves and their worth when they aren’t able to meet the expectations set by their parent.

2. Being Authoritative

Most parents might set a few rules and boundaries for their kids to stay disciplined and under control.

This is necessary for the kids to not land in trouble and to think twice before they do certain things.

But things can go downhill when these rules and boundaries are limitless.

Children will start feeling like they do not have the freedom of choice in anything they do.

Having too much control over the life of your kid can affect their decision-making skills as well.

It can also hinder your relationship with your kid as they may not feel comfortable communicating to you, due to the boundaries you’ve set.

3. Being Permissive

Being authoritative is detrimental to the growth of your child but the same goes for being too permissive as well.

You as an adult with more life experience, know better than them. They would expect your guidance at some levels when it comes to most things.

For example, when your child is addicted to something, you would want to help them find a way out of it.

You should check up on them with such things, and find proper solutions. This can be done either through changes in lifestyle, or by consulting an addiction treatment counselor.

Letting them do things on their own can  lead them to trouble, as they think everything they do is right.

Due to your permissive behaviour, they are also more likely to not seek your advice or help with something serious.

4. Ignoring the needs of kids

Parents are the primary caregivers of children. Hence, the first person they’ll expect love and care from is the parent.

The needs of kids come in various forms. They may want you to love and appreciate them, provide them with safety and care, and to be emotionally avail for them.

Needs, both emotional and materialistic, should be fulfilled by the parents when required, but with a sense of restriction, since too much of anything can be harmful.

If your child faces anything that is needs expert help, you can always lend a helping hand in solving it. You can also contact the psychologists in Mumbai to treat their issue.

5. Invading the child’s private space

Your kid needs his or her personal space. Constantly asking about personal things, checking their phones and diaries without permission, etc. are examples of invasion of privacy.

The kid can grow up to be more secretive, and scared to share anything with you. They will no longer trust you or be open to conversations.

 6. Engaging in Comparison

Comparison is one of the most toxic behaviours that parents of today engage in. They compare their kids, their behaviours, talents, and achievements to kids of their age. It is also most notable when it comes to comparing the academic excellence and scores of the child to his or her classmates.

Children may feel like they are not enough or worthy of their parent’s love and appreciation. They also doubt themselves which can affect their confidence negatively.

7. Being over emotional

Some parents behave extremely angrily to their kids. They might also over react to certain things, which might be established as acceptable in the child’s mind.

They start behaving like their parents as they grow up, imitating the way they express their emotions.

This can affect themselves and the ones around them. The child might end up being ill-tempered or spoiled, which can be a problem for them in all phases of life. You can seek the help of any psychologists in Mumbai if you see your kid behaving like this often.

8. Over sharing problems and thoughts

A parent must know where to draw the line when it comes to communicating with their children. Some end up oversharing their problems with their children.

Even if it encourages a healthy bonding between both, it can do harm to the personal life of the kid They will end up trying to resolve every problem or conflict you face.

This habit can extend to other relationships where they act as a problem solver. It can also lead them to be at the receiving end of abuse later on in life.


Communication and respecting boundaries are two key ways to maintain a healthy relationship with your kid. Most problems between you and your child can be solved by practicing them.

But in cases of serious issues, you can always seek professional help.

If your kid faces certain issues like addiction, feel free to contact us at Wownow. We are one of the best psychologists in Mumbai who can help them recover.

Reach out to us if you would like to get online therapy for addiction recovery for your little one or for yourself.

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